Straight from the internationally renowned bird-watching team of Kit and George Harrison comes th...
Why do puppies sometimes lie on their backs when approached? Why do they sleep in a pile? Why do ...
Many new dads have never even held a baby, or they have little or no experience in taking care of...
When originally published in 1959, this marvelous collection of dog stories compiled by the late ...
All day you drift through some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, yet you see it not, wr...
Why do horses 'spook' at things? Why do horses kick if approached from the rear? Why do horses sl...
10-Minute Obedience reflects the author’s belief that daily ten-minute training sessions best sui...
American cuisine has absorbed the best and brightest of every culture world wide, and it all bega...
Why do dogs bury bones? Why do dogs turn circles before lying down? Why do dogs chase cars? Or th...
In this, his third cookbook, chef Henry Sinkus demonstrates the versatility of delicious, heart-h...
We are delighted to announce that the Gordon MacQuarrie literary legacy continues: This new treas...
There has long been a disconnect between the retriever training methods in the United Kingdom and...