Throughout the history of moral, political, and legal philosophy,many have portrayed passi...
The United States is generally believed to be a liberal, rights-based culture. In such a socie...
As the world grapples with issues of religious fanaticism, extremist politics, and rampant vio...
A lyrical and meticulously researched mapping of the ways in which diverse societies have s...
Explores how teenage girls across the worldMexico City, Vancouver, Buenos Aires, San Franci...
In response to the riots of the mid-60s, Walter Thabit was hired to work with the community of...
InThe Dilemma of Context, Scharfstein contends that the problems encountered with conte...
Every December 12th, thousands of Mexican immigrants gather for the mass at New York Citys St....
'Surprisingly readable and studded with nuggets of insight.'The Daily Yomiuri '...
While it is well known that more Africans fought on behalf of the British than with the succes...
The early modern period (c. 15001800) of world history is characterized by the establishment a...
Fifty more essays from famous writers on their incurable love affair with the Big Apple...