The Diary of John Evelyn offers readers a unique insight into the daily life of a prominent 17th-...
Das goldene Zeitalter des klassischen Griechenlands wurde durch diesen antiken Weltkrieg, der von...
The 'British Mysteries Boxed Set: 560+ Thriller Classics, Detective Stories& True Crime Stories' ...
Die Anthologie 'Die großen Liebes-Klassiker der Weltliteratur' versammelt bedeutende Werke von ei...
In dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Büche...
The 'Tales of Civil War: 40 Books Collection' stands as an exemplar of multifaceted storytelling,...
The Pirate Bay Collection: History, True Stories& Most Famous Pirate Novels is an expansive antho...
Richard Francis Burton's 'The Complete Works' is a comprehensive collection of the renowned explo...
Ancient Greek literature has a profound impact on western literature at large. In particular, man...
In 'Lessons in Truth: A Course of 12 Lessons in Practical Christianity' by H. Emilie Cady, reader...
The 'ALEISTER CROWLEY - Premium Collection' is a profound exploration of esoteric and occult trad...
Oahspe: A New Bible is a book published in 1882, purporting to contain 'new revelations' from '.....