In the first decade of the new millennium, Jody Allen Randolph interviewed twenty-two leading Iri...
A Journey with Two Maps begins with an anecdote: one afternoon, Eavan Boland saw one of her mothe...
Muriel Spark always regarded the Brontés with a novelist's eye. As Boyd Tonkin argues in his live...
In this wide-reaching abecedarium, doctor and poet Iain Bamforth dissects the conflict of values ...
A The Spectator and Observer Book of the YearThe NB column in the Times Literary Supplement, sign...
My notebooks are my conscience,' writes Frederic Raphael. 'They contain a writer's letters to him...
Ford Madox Ford spent his last years in the south of France, near Toulon. In Provence (1935), wri...
The essays, reviews, memoirs and other writings collected here for the first time conjure up one ...
In 1951, when he was twenty, the novelist, screen-writer and homme-de-lettres-to-be Frederic Raph...