2017 wird der ukrainische Journalist Stanislav Aseyev im okkupierten Donezk verhaftet und wegen '...
The war in Ukraine did not start on 24 February 2022. It began eight years earlier in eastern Ukr...
Dieses preisgekrönte Buch über vierzehn ethnische Minderheiten handelt von der Regionalgeschichte...
Die Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001 erschütterten die im Westen weit verbreitete Vorstellun...
The responses to new political conflicts and wars that shape the post-Cold War order often remain...
This book investigates state-building, distorted identities, and separatism in the Republic of Mo...
This collection of studies investigates the political economy of international relations between ...
Der Sieg der Euromaidan-Revolution, russische Anschluss der Krim und Beginn des Krieges im Donbas...
Following Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the EUs ambition to develop strategic and ambit...
When Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022, academic life and other social activities in U...