The second instalment in Pekka Hiltunen's award-winning Studio series is an intelligent crime thr...
A charming tale of love, family and compromise filled with vivid characters, from the author of I...
Cold Blood. Cold Case. Cold Courage. When Lia witnesses a disturbing scene on her way to work, sh...
A captivating portrait of some of Charles Dickens' most memorable female characters presented by ...
Do you love him Marie?' 'Um of course I love Jesus' I stammered. 'Great guy.' 'I'm talking about ...
In one of his best-known books, From the Earth to the Moon, Jules Verne described how a group of ...
In his three short stories, 'For a Night of Love', 'Nantas', and 'Fasting', Emile Zola presents c...
Two authors. One idea. Who will be the first to write the best book in the world? This hilarious ...
Something had followed them home from Russia - a thought-provoking and chilling drama, Mind of Wi...