In the late 1960s, Lina is living with her young son in a new neighbourhood of Naples and working...
The second novel in the Neapolitan Novels series by evasive Italian author Elena Ferrante ...
Elena has returned to Naples - Lila, on the other hand, could never free herself from the city of...
Ophelia and Thorn brave a complex universe fraught with allegories, in their quest to uncover the...
Ophelia, the mirror-travelling heroine, finds herself in the magical city of Babel, guarding a se...
Violette is the caretaker at a cemetery in a small town. Her daily life is lived to the rhythms o...
Leda is devoted to her work as an English teacher and to her two children. When her daughters lea...
Exactly 400 years since the first slave ships left Ghana for America, Elton, Vincent and Scott ar...
Fans have waited a long time for this new novel by Elena Ferrante. Again, the author tells the st...