Tom Sawyer, detective (1896) is a sequel of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventure...
Enjoy the immortal story of Scrooge, written by Dickens and published in 1843 with the original i...
Cañas y Barro, considerada una obra maestra de la literatura española, te transportará a una pequ...
Azul es un volumen de relatos cortos y poemasescrito por Rubén Darío y publicado en 1888. Se ...
These stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle, which were originally published, each one separately...
Alice is bored. Suddenly, a white rabbit, dressed in pants and a bag, desperately looking at his ...
Ismaelillo (1882) es un libro fundamental para la literatura hispanoamericana y el volumen que in...
Oscar Wilde's talented pen tells the story of one man's decline. It is a book considered the most...
Basados en los relatos que contaba a sus hijos en la apartada y agreste provincia de Misiones, en...
Enter a magical world where dreams and imagination are linked. The immortal tales of the Grimm Br...
O banqueiro anarquista. O seu melhor e mais conhecido conto, sobre um banqueiro que se descreve a...
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1771-1790) is the name given to the unfinished autobiogra...