In this delightfully dense, fast-paced comedy with notes of László Krasznahorkai and Saul Bell...
A spine-tingling, intricate tale of love, betrayal, and psychological gamesmanship in the wa...
Ifi and Job, a Nigerian couple in an arranged marriage, begin their lives together in Nebras...
“I believe in expecting light. That's my job.” A hospital chaplain offers compassion to her pa...
A memoir of Melena, five-times married, mother, burlesque dancer, and 'the hardest-assed wom...
The book that launched the literary noir movement—in paperback for the first time.
The lives of a scientist, his wife, and his patient intersect, laying bare the political and pers...
The final novel from the postmodern American master.
Tree of Life meetsIn Search of Lost Time in this contemporary tale of loss and...