This overview of the linguistic development of Korean-English bilingual children in the US foc...
This volume investigates the ways in which Q methodology contributes to language education and...
This book provides readers with a critical and comprehensive overview of the historical develo...
This book provides multi-layered and nuanced perspectives on how drivers of change may influen...
This book brings together findings on content-based teacher education from international conte...
This book argues for a view of study abroad as emergent of tensions between localised and glob...
This book presents a validated observation instrument to support and develop the pedagogic exp...
This book employs a narrative policy portraiture approach to recenter the stories of those inv...
This book explores the gap between policy, practice and academic literature within language le...
This book delves into the captivating experiences of exceptionally motivated older adult langu...
This book offers traditional perspectives on shopping and tourism and updates current thinking...
This book offers critical scenarios of dark tourism futures and ...