Dirty theory follows the dirt of material and conceptual relations from the midst of complex mili...
Our built environment exists in a perpetual state of becoming, caught in a process of creation th...
CULINARY LESSONS - The Space of Food is based on a series of events, Culinary Lessons, which were...
MEDIATED ARCHITECTURE: Vivid, Effervescent and Nervous, the second issue of the SAC JOURNAL, pres...
In the context of recent global political and economic disruption, architecture seems no longer e...
What futures are we designing by default? What collaborations are we complicit in? How can we inc...
A NEW MANIFOLD, the inaugural issue of SAC JOURNAL, addres- ses the increased specialisation and ...
The term 'big data' is virtually ubiquitous in both cultural and technical contexts. The fift...
(Extra) Ordinary Interiors features research articles and visual essays by academics, research st...
What futures are we designing by default? What collaborations are we complicit in? How can we inc...
This book offers a vision of the London Underground written in the form of a ficto-historical nar...
If architecture is a design-centred discipline which proceeds by suggesting propositional constru...