Named after the two-faced roman god, Janus particles have gained much attention due to their pote...
Climate change is an inevitable and urgent global challenge with long-term implications for the s...
Published 35 years after Palgrave Macmillans landmark International Political Economy (IPE) se...
This book presents advances in control technologies for efficient operation of the brushless doub...
This invaluable compendium highlights the challenges of perioperative process in hospitals today....
This SpringerBrief investigates the performance of semi-blind independent component analysis (...
In this book, expansions of functions in infinite series and infinite product and the asymptotic ...
With the growing popularity of big data, the potential value of personal data has attracted mo...
This book presents the latest research findings and state-of-the-art solutions on optimization te...
This book examines the origin, nature, the portfolio, organizational structure and operation of t...
A comprehensive review of the recent advances in anechoic chamber and reverberation chamber...