Den Novellenband 'Drei Frauen' publizierte Musil 1924 als kleine Sammlung der bereits andernorts ...
New essays examining the intellectual allegiances of Coetzee, arguably the most decorated and cri...
New essays providing critical views of Coetzee's major works for the scholar and the general reader.
A major new study of Robert Musil by one of the world's leading Musil scholars. Musil's extraordi...
New essays on the most prominent German dramatist and short-story writer of the early 19th century.
New essays employing a multitude of approaches to the works of Kleist, in the process shedding li...
New essays examining the intellectual allegiances of Coetzee, arguably the most decorated and cri...
Kleist viewed anew as a major contributor to the tradition of post-Kantian thought.
New essays providing critical views of Coetzee's major works for the scholar and the general reader.
Although influential in his own day, Karl Leonhard Reinhold's contribution to late 18th and ea...