Throughout the 1960s until her untimely death in 1974, Afro-Cuban filmmaker Sara Gómez enga...
The Greatest Christmas Classics of All Time is a celebrated anthology that encapsulates the spiri...
In the vast constellation of holiday literature, 'The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time'...
The Ultimate Christmas Library: 400+ Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols& Legends represents an unpara...
The Big Book of Classics for the Long Winter invites readers into a rich tapestry of literary exp...
This volume and its companion, The new dynamics of ageing volume 1, provide comprehensive multi-d...
Gluten-free casein-free diets are widely used to improve cognitive function, speech patterns, ...
Case studies and perspectives from around the globe illustrate examples of effective collabora...
e-artnow presents to you the greatest Christmas novels, magical Christmas tales, legends, most fa...
The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time stands as an unparalleled anthology, uniting the w...