Stravinsky in the Americas explores the “pre-Craft” period of Igor Stravinsky’s life, from...
This book deals with air-ground aeronautical communications. The main goal is to give the read...
The focus of this book is risk assessment methodologies for network architecture design. The m...
Slim Spurling was an inventor, researcher, and internationally recognized dowser. He developed th...
Der Ingeborg-Drewitz-Literaturpreis für Gefangene wird alle drei Jahre verliehen. 17 Autorinnen u...
The book provides readers with a snapshot of recent research and industrial trends in field of...
This book deals with air-ground aeronautical communications. The main goal is to give the read...
This book provides readers with an overview of recent theories and methods for studying comple...
The book provides readers with a snapshot of recent research and industrial trends in field of in...