Soul searching was an unfamiliar exercise to Bill Stratton, and he found it intriguing as well as...
A Christmas production of Cinderella is marred by a series of killings in the waspishly funny new...
A brief appearance on a TV game show, 'If the Cap Fits', means a day's pay, a few interesting con...
The last thing Carole expects when she goes to Connie's Clip Joint for a trim is to find the body...
The wickedly entertaining new Fethering mystery featuring chalk-and-cheese detective duo Carole a...
Joining the cast of a musical loosely based on She Stoops to Conquer, actor detective Charles Par...
Soon after Jude drags her reluctant friend Carole to local store Gallimaufry to do some Christmas...
Charles Paris has landed a part in a new West End play - but the production is halted when a body...
As understudy to the lead in a West End play, Charles Paris's thespian and detective skills are c...
Declutterer Ellen Curtis has been working to bring order to the life of elderly recluse Cedric Wa...
When Jude agrees to lend her vintage chaise longue for the local Amateur Dramatics Society's prod...