Unter Verwendung autobiografischer Texte zeichnet die Graphic Novel das Leben des kurdischen Frei...
The true story of how one Japanese village suffered and survived the mercury poisoning of its wat...
ING_00 Unrestricted
Miyamoto Musashi ha pasado a la historia como una figura emblemática. Este samurái, el más famoso...
El Tao Te Ching es uno de los libros más influyentes de la historia de la humanidad. Este texto, ...
An illustrated critique of the negative impacts of religion centered on an appeal for creati...
One of the most famous writers of all time, George Orwell's life played a huge part in his und...
A graphic introduction to the most important radical critiques of violence, from Fanon to Ch...
A unique historical graphic novel that captures key moments in the fight against oppression throu...