Eine Diebin, die niemand bemerkt. Ein sprechender Schlüssel, dem kein Schloss widerstehen kan...
Ein Mensch, der die Magie entschlüsselt.Ein Magier, der die Welt erschüttert.Ein Meister,...
Das Finale der großen High-Fantasy-Trilogie um die raffinierte Diebin Sancia und ihren sprechende...
Addiction: Psychology and Treatment brings together leading psychologists to provide a com...
For many years its been taught, almost without contradiction, that no one can know when Jesus wil...
Collected interviews with the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, director, author, and actor know...
An enthralling, elegant, emotional account of a journey into exile, by the wonderful TeffiMos...
Human-driven greenhouse emissions are increasing the velocity of climate change and the freque...
Die ganze Welt der Biologie verständlich erklärt Warum tanzen Bienen? Wie liest man die mensc...
Sovereignty is at the very centre of the political and legal arrangements of the modern world. Th...
The project 'Religious Education at Schools in Europe' (REL-EDU), which is divided up into six vo...