Leading commentators examine the Afghan debacle and its parallels with previous British and Sovie...
In his books Somebodies and Nobodies and All Rise, Robert Fuller exposed rankism-abuse of the pow...
What corporate corruption, sexual abuse by clergy, and schoolyard bullying all have in com...
Get the book you need to succeed in any Photoshop endeavor -- Photoshop CS3 Bible. In this...
This book makes the case for a pragmatist approach to the practice of social inquiry and knowledg...
In his groundbreaking book Somebodies and Nobodies, Robert Fuller identified a form of domination...
Soft computing, intelligent robotics and control are in the core interest of contemporary engi...
In 1989 Dr. Robert Vande Kappelle cycled solo cross-country. The 3,400-mile trip was the seed pro...
The treatment of prostate cancer continues to be problematic owing to serious side-effects, inclu...