Interrogates the development of the world's first international courts of humanitarian justice an...
Ganador del premio Booknest a la Mejor Primera Novela 2019.Es un magnífico debut, plagado de tod...
La terapia IFS (Sistemas de familia interna por sus siglas en inglés) está basada en el procesami...
This book provides a first synthetic view of an emerging area of ecology and biogeography, linkin...
Ganadora del David Gemmell Morningstar Award a la Mejor Primera NovelaGanadora del Reddit Fantasy...
A significant part of economics as we know it today is the outcome of battles that ...
Freedoms Vector: The Path to Prosperity, Opportunity and Dignity, is a book about Americaits gove...
Nelson Algren, Richard Wright, and Patricia Highsmith are just three of the iconic auth...