A hotel with mysterious guests, a city where the moon wanders, an abandoned seaside pavilion, are...
The 'British Mysteries Boxed Set: 560+ Thriller Classics, Detective Stories& True Crime Stories' ...
Die Begegnung der Theologie mit der philosophischen Phänomenologie im spezifischen Freiburger Kon...
The author analyzes data on workers in five privately-owned factories in Poona, India.Originally ...
A series which is a model of its kind. Edmund KingHistory
A fresh assessment of seaborne activity around England in the later middle ages, offering a fresh...
Essays investigating the idea of natural heritage and the ways in which it has changed over time.
Essays reassess Cook's standing as a leading figure in eighteenth-century history, exploration an...
The report of a conference convened by the Committee on South Asia of the Association for Asia...
This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed ...
In direct and simple terms, Wharton professor Richard A. Lambert demystifies financial stateme...