This Brief provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of proactive strategies for manage...
The Greatest Christmas Classics of All Time is a celebrated anthology that encapsulates the spiri...
In the vast constellation of holiday literature, 'The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time'...
Conservation Agriculture (CA) seeks to understand the ecological basis of sustainability, whilst ...
The Ultimate Christmas Library: 400+ Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols& Legends represents an unpara...
Offers an evaluation model for school leaders based on research from authorities such as John ...
This new, full colour edition covers the rapid advances made in our understanding of the pathogen...
It’s not what you do, it’s how you think about what you do.A ...
Peter Duggan-Smith was born in 1916 to an actress mother. As she was always on the move he was...
Learn Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) for automating much of the repetitive, ma...