This book presents a detailed background to the circular economy in China, explores government...
This book examines the field of surrounding rock control mechanisms and support technol...
This book examines innovation in the fields of computer engineering and networking, and expl...
Visual Question Answering (VQA) usually combines visual inputs like image and video with a nat...
This textbook consists of six chapters. The first chapter highlights the concept of liquid crysta...
A complete and comprehensive reference on modulation and signal processing for visible ligh...
Within higher education, world-class universities are regarded as elite research universities and...
This book summarizes the progress made to functional immobilize G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR...
This brief presents characterizations of identification errors under a probabilistic framework wh...
Within higher education, world-class universities are commonly regarded as elite research univers...
This book introduces plant metabolomics, an experimental approach that is important in both fu...