Set in Mary King's Close, an exciting historical adventure featuring a young boy - Tom Afflick wh...
After the thrills and spills of his adventure on Terror Island, Kip is reluctant to allow Mr Laza...
'He had realised with an abrupt sense of shock that her eyes had no pupils in them; they were jus...
After his nightmarish adventures in Mary King's Close in Crow Boy, Tom Afflick is drawn back to E...
When Tom Afflick heads back to Edinburgh to stay with his mother and her partner, Hamish, he begi...
The mysterious Mr Lazarus has helped Kip and his father completely change the fortunes of the ...
A boy wakes up on a train to Edinburgh.He is shocked to discover that no idea who he is or how he...
DescriptionAfter the death of his mother and the end of his father's high-powered career, Za...
Kip's dad owns an old-fashioned cinema, the Paramount. Struggling to survive in an age when multi...
The Sins of Allie Lawrence is a tale of temptation, inspired by the legend of Black Donald, and s...
Thirteen-year-old Will Booth is feeling terribly lonely. Ever since his dad died, he and his mum ...
From the acclaimed author of the Sebastian Darke thrillers and Crow Boy comes an exciting novel t...