Der richtige Knoten für den richtigen Zweck - mehr als 50 Knoten sind in diesem Buch dargestellt,...
Investigations into the cultural significance of that most familiar and charismatic group of anim...
21 essential knots for everyday use indoors or outdoorsThis compact little reference book include...
Essays dealing with the question of how 'sense of place' is constructed, in a variety of location...
'Whether you are tangling with a tarpon or tricking a little brown trout, the knot matters. ...
The question of the British presence in Anglo-Saxon England readdressed by archaeologists, histor...
Rainer Forst'sToleration in Conflict (published in English 2013) is the most important his...
Highly Commended (Third prize) in the Standing Conference on Studies in Education book priz...
'I will carry this little book in my pocket... I will read the words on London buses and in Dartm...
New insights into the changing human attitudes towards wild nature through the depiction of wo...
This book addresses the questions of what went wrong with Detroit and what can be done to reinven...