- Strategie, Netzwerkeffekte, Architektur, Launch und Monetarisierung Governance, Offenhe...
'An excellent introduction to the study of population and its significance for many of the key so...
Relationships and communication are the foundation of good social work practice. This book off...
Anatomy and Physiology in Healthcare focuses on what healthcare students need to know ...
For more than a decade the author has been writing a 'Saturday religion column,' syndicated in te...
Essays exploring the opportunities for and challenges to the discipline of English language and l...
In an immensely varied and thoughtful collection of true life reflections on love, marriage and t...
Marsupials belong to the Class Mammalia, sharing some features with other mammals, yet they also ...
The book discusses the 'state trial' as a legal process, a public spectacle, and a point of polit...