We humans are sparks of divinity in time.With imagination and intuition, we can sense the eternit...
Religionless Spirituality claims that neither religion nor materialistic science satisfies the ac...
Sadly, western civilization has seemingly lost its sense of Christian identity and heritage. In r...
`This book raises the theoretical level of rural studies to new heightsthe Handbook of Rural Stud...
Sharing the personal stories of individuals with disabilities who describe both the challenges...
The West has become an expert in invasion and warnot because of threats to the home front but to ...
Eine gegenläufige Tendenz kennzeichnet die gegenwärtige Welt. Einerseits nehmen die Veränderungen...
This collection reviews the wealth of recent research on important aspects of soil carbon sequest...
The Book of Danu is unlike any other book you have ever encountered. Combining visual art, poetry...
Die europäischen Gesellschaften durchlaufen derzeit einen tiefgreifenden Wandel, der die europäis...