An expert practitioner answers to questions about the burgeoning organic church movement p...
Just as our life is in our blood, the life for Christs body is in His blood. Changing a church is...
An expert practitioner answers to questions about the burgeoning organic church movement p...
Churches have tried all kinds of ways to attract new and younger members - revised vision stateme...
Just as our life is in our blood, the life for Christs body is in His blood. Changing a church is...
Churches have tried all kinds of ways to attract new and younger members - revised vision stateme...
A powerful, biblically based model of leadership development based on the life of the Apostle Pau...
Drawing on the work of innovative educators, this edited volume shows how adopting a solutions...
Wie wäre es, wenn Gemeinden auf organische Weise entstünden, wie kleine geistliche Familien, aus ...
A powerful, biblically based model of leadership development based on the life of the Apostle Pau...