Die Suche nach Vorräten für die Rebellen führt Luke Skywalker und Leia Organa auf einen Wasserpla...
Since the day Aaron Burr, the sitting vice president of the United States, shot and killed A...
Postharvest losses remain a serious problem in the fresh produce sector. This collection reviews ...
Stating the Sacred offers a novel approach to nation-state formation, arguing that its mos...
This book explains characteristics of renewable fuels, especially biomass and wood, and the co...
P Angiogenesis is an essential component of inflammation and its resolution. Traditionally, mech...
The documentary has achieved rising popularity over the past two decades thanks to streamin...
One Health has now expanded beyond discussion of emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses.Reta...
Nach einem haarsträubenden galaktischen Abenteuer kommen Rocket und Groot auf die Erde, wo der zw...
Der zweite Blockbuster der Sequel-Trilogie erscheint als mitreißenden Comic. Die Erste Ordnung st...