In den letzten Jahren haben psychische Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen stark zugenommen. I...
This volume contains 27 contributions to the Forth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop o...
This book presents the state of the art in High-Performance Computing on modern supercomputer ...
This book presents the state-of-the-art in supercomputer simulation. It includes the latest fi...
High Performance Computing (HPC) remains a driver that offers huge potentials and benefits f...
Nicht erst seit der Corona-Krise ist klar: Deutschland hinkt in der Digitalisierung hinterher. Di...
This book presents the proceedings of the 10th International Parallel Tools Workshop, held Oct...
This book presents the state-of-the-art in supercomputer simulation. It includes the latest fi...
This book presents the state of the art in high-performance computing and simulation on modern su...
The new book series The Science and Art of Simulation (SAS) addresses computer simulations as ...
Beten ist wie atmen. Für den Christen gehört es zu den Grundvollzügen seiner menschlichen Existen...