Der 9-jährige Felix lebt seit über drei Jahren in einem Waisenhaus. Dabei sind seine Eltern gar n...
Mit Lucky Luke schuf die Zeichnerlegende Maurice de Bevere (Morris) im Jahr 1946 eine Cowboylegen...
Mit Lucky Luke schuf die Zeichnerlegende Maurice de Bevere (Morris) im Jahr 1946 eine Cowboylegen...
Thoroughly updated throughout, this much-anticipated new edition provides students with a compreh...
There is no going back to the old 'normal'. What you used to know as 'your life' is no more. This...
In 2002, the Policy Center on the First Year of College (supported by The Pew Charitable Trusts, ...
There are significant variations in how healthcare systems and health professionals are regulated...
Inspired by real-life events, this honest, intimate look at one family's response to racism and g...
Expert opinion, guidance, and market knowledge on what today's legal marketplace might look like ...
This superbly illustrated book provides a thorough, up-to-date overview of diagnostic breast i...