Das Buch ist bei deiner Buchhandlung vor Ort und bei vielen Online-Buchshops erhältlich!+...
A heartfelt christmas book with gorgeous artwork and an important message about looking after our...
Essays examining the compiler and contents of two of the most important and significant extant la...
Examines the role of Christianity in British statecraft, politics, media, the armed forces and in...
The papers collected in this volume represent the main body of research arising from the Inter...
This volume on continental margin sedimentation brings together an expert editorial and contribut...
Michael Field served as the joint pen name for Edith Emma Cooper (1862–1913) and her aunt Kathari...
A classic comprehensive reference on the biology and management of aphids occurring in crops, thi...
This book contains the first systematic exposition of the global and local theory of dynamics equ...
This teacher-friendly guide presents research-proven instructional techniques that empower studen...