This volume provides a unique collection of contributions addressing both the too much and too...
Alterstraumatologische Verletzungen und orthopädische Eingriffe bei betagten Patienten nehmen in ...
We have experienced such enormous developments in different fields of science and technology, sen...
This state-of-the-art reference text provides comprehensive coverage of the challenges and lat...
The issue of 'recovery' has been increasingly prioritised by policymakers in recent years, but...
From the Internet to networks of friendship, disease transmission, and even terrorism, the concep...
This edited volume is based on contributions from the TCET-AECT Human-Technology Frontier: Unders...
This volume analyzes early modern cultural representations of children and childhood through t...
Rund 200 namhafte AutorInnen stellen den Stand der Sozialen Arbeit in ihrer theoretischen Diskuss...