The majority of citizens in the world today do not trust their political representatives, the ...
Més de vuitanta personalitats analitzen per a Portes Obertes del Catalanisme i ED Libros, el sege...
Throughout the Western world, governments and financial elites responded to the financial crisis ...
Frontmatter -- Avertissement -- Introduction -- I. La rénovation, re-production d'un espace -- II...
Dieser Band zeigt ausgehend vom Zerfall der Sowjetunion die Unfähigkeit zentralistischer Staatswi...
Manuel Castells tiene el don del cirujano, el corte preciso, breve, en apariencia fácil, pero fru...
In this second volume ofThe Information Age trilogy, with an extensive new preface followi...
This first book in Castells' groundbreaking trilogy, with a substantial new preface, highlights t...
This first book in Castells' groundbreaking trilogy, with a substantial new preface, highlights t...
Im zweiten Band seiner Trilogie zeigt Castells die beiden großen einander entgegengesetzten Trend...
Latin America has experienced a profound transformation in the first two decades of the 21st cent...