This book focuses beyond the bully-victim dyad to highlight how bullying commonly unfolds...
This book honors the career of Professor Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch who was a pioneer and...
This book brings together the notions of material school design and educational governance in ...
Der Band untersucht Grenzen in Zugängen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Inklusionsforschung: Wie wer...
This comprehensive guide enables parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to...
The volume aims at analysing the migration processes of families from Greece following the fin...
Die Familie ist ein Hort der Liebe, Geborgenheit und Zärtlichkeit. Wir alle sehnen uns nach diese...
A tracking of the most explosive collisions between athletic reputation and public scandal
This book posits that multiple perspectives of key school staff (such as teachers, principals, sc...
A new view of Sweden's relations with the world beyond its borders, from the sixteenth to the eig...