Rescued tells the inspiring stories of dedicated organizations and heroic volunteers who saved an...
'This is the most complete change methodology we have found anywhere.'Pete Fox, G...
Twenty-one dramatic true stories of courageous, loyal, and loving horses who found their life's p...
When cameras roll and directors call, “Action,” some of the most dependable, funniest, and most e...
When the nurturing nature of women meets the loyalty and unguarded affection of dogs, remarkable ...
Es ist ein wahres Vergnügen, die oft wundersame Bestimmung der Katze zu entdecken.Katzenliebhaber...
Gathered from thousands of stories Allen and Linda Anderson have received, as well as their own e...
Forensic science has been variously described as fascinating, challenging and even frightening. I...
'With this extensively upgraded second edition, Dean Anderson and Linda Ackerman Anderson solidif...