In the dead of the night, Creusa wakes to her beloved Troy engulfed in flames, and finds the only...
To mortal men, we are monsters. Because of our teeth, our flight, our strength. They fear us, so ...
Medusa - Schwester, Opfer, Monster?Medusa wächst bei ihren Schwestern auf und merkt schne...
Jokaste & Ödipus - durch Blut verbunden, in Liebe vereint, vom Schicksal verdammtKeiner k...
The Greek myths are among the world's most important cultural building blocks and they have been ...
Alles ist so gekommen, wie sie es vorausgesagt hatten.. nur noch schlimmer! Troja brennt,...
Here we meet Athene, who sprang fully formed from her father's brow (giving Zeus a killer headach...
ATLAS OF B VETERINARY SURGICAL PATHOLOGYAn indispensable next-to-the-microscope diagnos...