Der Mathematiker Kurt Gödel hat über einen Zeitraum von 22 Jahren (1934-1955) philosophische Beme...
Kurt Gdel, mathematician and logician, was one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth ...
Over a period of 22 years (19341955), mathematician Kurt Gödel put down a series of philosophi...
First English translation of revolutionary paper (1931) that established that even in e...
Der Mathematiker Kurt Gödel hat über einen Zeitraum von 22 Jahren (1934-1955) philosophische B...
Der Mathematiker Kurt Gödel hat über einen Zeitraum von 22 Jahren (1934-1955) philosophische B...
Over a period of 22 years (1934-1955), the mathematician Kurt Gödel wrote down philosophical ...
Over a period of 22 years (1934-1955), the mathematician Kurt Gödel wrote down philosophical rema...
Over a period of 22 years (1934-1955), the mathematician Kurt Gödel wrote down philosophical ...