The monastic life, traditionally considered as an area of withdrawal from the world, is here show...
The Greatest Christmas Classics of All Time is a celebrated anthology that encapsulates the spiri...
In the vast constellation of holiday literature, 'The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time'...
The Ultimate Christmas Library: 400+ Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols& Legends represents an unpara...
A new investigation into the twelfth-century accounts of the First Crusade, showing their complex...
A groundbreaking study of the theology of beloved community from leading clergy, scholars and ...
Divided into three sections, this book provides detailed information on the 32 global avian invas...
New insights into interpretive problems in the history of England and Europe between the eighth a...
e-artnow presents to you the greatest Christmas novels, magical Christmas tales, legends, most fa...
The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time stands as an unparalleled anthology, uniting the w...