Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the middle ages.
Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the Middle Ages, with a particular focu...
Essays on the modern reception of the Middle Ages, built round the central theme of the ethics of...
Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the Middle Ages, with a particular conc...
Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the Middle Ages,
An engagement with the huge growth in neomedievalism forms the core of this volume, with other es...
An engagement with the huge growth in neomedievalism forms the core of this volume, with other es...
Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the Middle Ages,
The difficult and nuanced issue of discrimination - race, gender, ethicity, religion - is the foc...
Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the middle ages, with a particular focu...
Though manifestations of play represent a burgeoning subject area in the study of post-medieval r...
Medievalism examined in a variety of genres, from fairy tales to today's computer games.