P By bringing together leading experts on quality assurance in higher education from seven count...
In this book we aim to discuss and reflect on how HEIs are coping with the demands placed on...
This collection summarises and reviews the wealth of recent research on the development of more e...
Hoy más que nunca tenemos el compromiso y la responsabilidad de hacer efectiva una educación cuya...
This volume reviews the latest research on the role and implementation of main types of agrofores...
This book addresses the automatic sizing and layout of analog integrated circuits (ICs) usi...
Volume 2 reviews research on optimising Conservation Agricultural (CA) practices and their benefi...
This brief addresses the design of model predictive control algorithms for performing space rende...
This book analyses the range of potential measures national quality assurance agencies may h...
Esta obra explora en las promesas y los mitos de la ciencia moderna y deconstruye supuestas evide...