Wurden Kriegshelden, politische Führerhelden und Superhelden zum Thema unzähliger Studien, hat si...
The Greatest Christmas Classics of All Time is a celebrated anthology that encapsulates the spiri...
In the vast constellation of holiday literature, 'The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time'...
The Ultimate Christmas Library: 400+ Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols& Legends represents an unpara...
The Big Book of Classics for the Long Winter invites readers into a rich tapestry of literary exp...
Is social enterprise yet another example of the expansion of the market into all areas of life an...
Written by a team of business and fi nance experts,Starting& Running a Business All-In-One For...
The Apocalyptic Paul is rapidly becoming one of the most influential contemporary approaches to t...
Paul's passionate Letter to the Galatians has occasioned various perspectives (old, new, radical ...