Vom Rad bis zum Roboter: das ultimative Buch der Erfindungen. Wer baute das erste Auto, wie w...
Social capital and lifelong learning are central to current policy concerns both in the UK and in...
Examines the role of Christianity in British statecraft, politics, media, the armed forces and in...
International bekannte Autorinnen und Autoren loten die Potenziale der Biographieforschung für di...
The papers collected in this volume represent the main body of research arising from the Inter...
A classic comprehensive reference on the biology and management of aphids occurring in crops, thi...
There has been growing concern that both intensive agriculture in the developed world and rapid e...
Britains work camp systems have never before been studied in depth. Highly readable, and based on...
The words of Unknown Warriors resonate as powerfully today as when first written. The book offers...
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Nursing and Healthcare examines the Joanna Briggs Institute m...
Carbohydrate Chemistry provides review coverage of all publications relevant to the chemistry of ...