La Biblia nos presenta un Jesús que pone la otra mejilla, ama a sus enemigos y se muestra compasi...
John Dominic Crossan's In Parables demonstrated how Jesus's parables demolished an idolatry of ti...
This brave and provocative book grapples with Scripture's two conflicting visions of Jesus and Go...
En El poder de la parábola se diseccionan cuidadosamente las historias que leemos en los evangeli...
An imaginative and illuminating study, Finding Is the First Act places historical thinking in cre...
The four canonical gospels are long set in established sequence as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John....
When John Dominic Crossan's book, In Parables: The Challenge of the Historical Jesus, was publish...
The aphoristic form conveys universal truths in a distinctive, compressed format. Such sayings go...
The Historical Jesus in Context is a landmark collection that places the gospel narratives in the...
In this revolutionary work, John Dominic Crossan reveals that the Passion and Resurrection Narrat...
After his definitive The Historical Jesus, John Dominic Crossan delivered Jesus: A Revolutionary ...
From his boyhood in Tipperary, Kildare, and Donegal to the pinnacle of biblical scholarship, John...