Climate change is affecting Indiana's environment, threatening the way Hoosiers live and do...
Sixty-fifth annual volume, focusing notably on Shakespearean drama and the poetry of early modern...
There is much public concern about threats to global biodiversity. Industrial pollution, changes ...
P Perturbation theory and in particular normal form theory has shown strong growth during the la...
Cognitive science research-based teaching techniques any educator can implement in their K-...
Since 1985, scientists have been documenting a hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico each year. The ...
¿Cómo escribir una historia que incluya a la gran mayoría de personas que vivieron en el pasado? ...
NOT THEORYFACT!A MISSLE SHOT DOWN FLIGHT 800!On July 17, 1996, minutes after t...
Collection of the best scholarly essays from the 2020 Southeastern Renaissance Conference plus es...
Adapted from the naval history classic and New York Times bestseller, The Last Stand of the Tin C...
Forests deliver both economic benefits and a range of key ecosystem services. This collection rev...