'This series pushes the boundaries of knowledge and develops new trends in approach and understan...
The 1917 Bloodline is in the tradition of Joseph Conrad, Graham Greene and Arthur Koestler. Alan ...
This Brief provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of proactive strategies for manage...
Are you the kind of person who watches crime drama and real-life crime documentaries on televisio...
This much-anticipated and long-overdue installment in Akashic's Noir Series reveals many sid...
This collection of fourteen original essays by leading authorities offers, for the first time, a ...
An authoritative survey of music and its context in the Renaissance.
Reiseziele: Der Nelles Guide Indonesien enthält alles Wissenswerte für eine Erlebnisreise durch d...
Seien Sie anders als die anderenmuss die Devise lauten, wenn man erfolgreiches Marketing betrei...
InResisting Rebellion, Anthony James Joes's discussion of insurgencies ranges across five conti...
A time capsule of a classic Italian American neighborhood, told in the voices of its inhabitan...