Wilde Natur, keltische Musik und edler Whisky: Perfekte Tage in Schottland erleben mit dem Baedek...
A group of students travel to a local Renaissance Fair and discover an ancient tome called the Bo...
A classic comprehensive reference on the biology and management of aphids occurring in crops, thi...
A powerful, nuanced look at service in the Iraq War through the eyes of a veteran turned poet.
Seventeen studies from the region's best scholars illuminate aspects of the history of Suffolk an...
How did the UK Coalition Governments policies differ from previous Conservative (or Labour) Gover...
The way in which the world's religions are intertwined in the dynamics of global development has ...
Men disappear around Blue Mesa, New Mexico. Dick Young, apparently an easy-going artist, vanishes...
Iraq war veteran's Poulin Prize–winning debut poetry collection explores war, masculinity, and re...
Provides expanded information which includes sections on historic background, current principles,...