Die Erfolgsfaktoren vernetzter Produktionssysteme.Die globale Vernetzungvon Produktionssystemen e...
While the COVID-19 pandemic overshadowed all else and would quickly have a lasting impact on our ...
Numerous fascinating breakthroughs in biotechnology have generated large volumes and diverse type...
2018 was a tumultuous year in global politics. Starting with the rise of the Lega Nord in Italy a...
Now in its second edition, this handbook collects authoritative contributions on modern method...
Nachdem die DDR 1975 die KSZE-Schlussakte von Helsinki unterzeichnet hatte, forderten immer mehr ...
2019 was a defining year for the radical right globally. From national and supranational election...
This collection summarises and reviews the wealth of recent research addressing key challenges fa...
2016 fiel die Entscheidung für den Nachbau eines Römerbootes aus Anlass 275. Jubiläums der Univer...