New essays on Chaucer's engagement with religion and the religious controversies of the fourteent...
An important new contribution to the emerging field of late medieval supplicatory cultures.
Fresh examinations of the manuscript which is one of the chief compendiums of literature in the M...
Stitch 25 Fast and Easy Gifts from the HeartEvery one of these gorgeous gift ideas is so simple t...
The first OZCOTS conference in 1998 was inspired by papers contributed by Australians to the 5...
In a spine-tingling new collection, the unique and wickedly funny Helen Phillips offers an idiosy...
A young couple comes of age in a surreal world of apocalypse, delight, longing, and tenderne...
Part modern fairytale, part existentialist thriller, this is a breathtaking joyride of a novel fo...
A valuable reference to help practising researchers not only to understand but also to apply i...
First entire collection centred on Chaucer'sBook of the Duchess, making a compelling case ...