This book gathers outstanding research papers presented at the International Conference on Int...
The book gathers the best research papers presented at the International Conference on Recent Tre...
This book presents best selected research papers presented at the Third International Conferen...
This textbook highlights the engineering fundamentals and processing aspects of agricultural p...
The conference proceedings book is a collection of high-quality research articles in the field...
This book gathers outstanding papers presented at the International Conference on Data Science...
This book gathers selected papers presented at the International Conference on Advancem...
This book gathers selected research papers presented at the International Conference on Commun...
This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the First Congress on Intelligent Syste...
This book gathers selected research papers presented at the International Conference on Communica...
This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Third Congress on Intelligent Sy...
This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Third Congress on Intelligent Syste...